Special Services

We’re Here for You

Idaho Technical Career Academy (ITCA) offers robust special education services to support students and meet their needs, empowering them to thrive in school and beyond. With high-quality, personalized learning and the help of teachers and support staff, students with special needs can achieve their academic goals, find their confidence, and pave a path to success.

Idaho Technical Career Academy, in cooperation with parents and nonpublic school agencies, engages in Child Find services throughout the school year. Child Find activities are conducted (1) to create public awareness of special education programs, (2) to advise the public that students who qualify for services have the right to a free appropriate public education and confidentiality protections, and (3) to alert community residents that a process exists for identifying and serving children with disabilities from the age of 3 through the semester in which they turn 21 if they are eligible for Special Education.

If you are part of a community agency or civic group that would like more information about educating children with disabilities, or would like pamphlets to distribute to members, please call the school office or one of the above phone numbers.

In accordance with federal and state regulations, Idaho Technical Career Academy will provide an annual public notice to families informing them of Idaho Technical Career Academy’s child find responsibilities, procedures involved in the identification of educational disabilities and determination of students’ service and support needs.

Families are encouraged to review the following information that describes these regulations. Information regarding Idaho Technical Career Academy’s internal practices to comply with these will be available in the Idaho Technical Career Academy’s Special Programs Manuals and Handbooks.

For students confirmed to present with special education needs, once the IEP team agrees on the IEP and the student’s educational placement, a Prior Written Notice (PWN) will sent to the parent/guardian for signature. This must be signed and returned to Idaho Technical Career Academy. Idaho Technical Career Academy can only proceed with implementing the student’s IEP (or 504 Plan) upon receipt of the signed PWN. Some students are found to present with one or more disability, but do not meet the eligibility criteria outlined under IDEA (special education); however their disability may still require Idaho Technical Career Academy to develop a 504 Service Agreement (504 Plan) to outline the special provisions a student may require for adaptations and/or accommodations in school-based instruction, facilities, and/or activities.

Parents/Guardians have the right to revoke consent for services after initial placement. Please note, a revocation of consent removes the student from ALL special services and supports outlined on the IEP or 504 Plan.

Dispute Resolution Options

IEP Facilitation—IEP facilitation is a voluntary process that can be used when all parties at an IEP meeting agree the presence of a neutral third party would help facilitate communication and the successful drafting of the student’s IEP. This process is not necessary for most IEP meetings. Rather, it is used most often when the participants sense the issues at the IEP meeting are creating an impasse or acrimonious climate.

Mediation—A voluntary process in which both parties seek to resolve issues with an unbiased, third-party mediator from the Idaho Department of Education.  The mediator will write up the details of the agreement the parties reach through the mediation conference, both parties sign the agreement, and the agreement is mandated to be implemented. This process is less time-consuming, stressful, and expensive than a due process hearing (see below).

Formal Due Process

Families are NOT obligated to pursue the above alternatives to due process should they feel their concerns can only be resolved through a formal due process hearing. If a formal complaint against ITCA is submitted to the Idaho Department of Education, the complaint must be written and include a statement that the local education agency (LEA) has violated a requirement under IDEA, Part B; the facts on which the statement is based; and the signature of the person(s) filing the complaint.

Learn more about a formal due process hearing.

Idaho Department of Education

Dispute Resolution

650 West State Street Boise, ID 83702

Asistencia de idioma: Cualquier padre que se limita al hablar, escribir o leer Inglés podrá solicitar a la escuela para proporcionar acceso a servicios tales como intérprete y / o documentos traducidos. Para solicitar los servicios envíe un correo electrónico o llamar al Coordinador de ELL. Se coordinará el pronto acceso a los servicios apropiados y / o al traductor.